Asset Lift Consulting - Lift & Escalator Consultants

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Lift Consultant or Lift Contractor?


A wise person once asked, “if somebody giving you advice will directly benefit if you accept their advice, is it necessarily good advice?”

When it comes to lift & escalator projects, whether it's installation, maintenance, or refurbishment, the expertise and guidance of a lift consultant can make all the difference. Clients often find themselves questioning the difference between a lift contractor and an independent lift consultant.

In this article, we will explore the disparities between the two, focusing on the advantages of working with an independent lift consultant who offers unbiased advice, technical expertise, and acts solely in the best interests of the client. By combining the insights from both perspectives, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of why employing a lift consultant is beneficial for your lift projects.

Independence and Unbiased Advice:

The most significant distinction between a lift contractor and a lift consultant lies in their independence. An independent lift consultant has no ties to any lift manufacturer, which eliminates any financial interest in promoting specific brands or products. This impartiality allows them to provide unbiased advice on the best fit solutions for your application, regardless of the manufacturer. Their recommendations are based solely on technical knowledge and experience, ensuring that you receive guidance that is free from hidden agendas or conflicts of interest.

Acting on Behalf of the Client:

As a lift consultant, their primary role is to act on behalf of the client. They offer assistance and advice throughout the entire lifecycle of lift projects, including planning, design, installation, maintenance, and legal responsibilities. Unlike lift contractors who may prioritise their product offerings or maintenance services, a lift consultant analyses the client's individual requirements and provides an independent viewpoint on the most appropriate solution. This client-focused approach ensures that the recommendations align with the client's needs and objectives, resulting in the most effective outcome for their lift projects.

Compliance with Regulations and Standards:

Another crucial aspect where lift consultants excel is in creating specifications based on compliance with regulations and standards. While lift contractors may prioritize quick turnarounds or financial considerations, independent lift consultants ensure that all aspects of the project adhere to the necessary regulations and standards. Their comprehensive approach guarantees that reliability, longevity, and compliance are prioritised alongside any desired aesthetics, reducing the risk of potential issues or future non-compliance.

Objective Assessment of Lift Contractors:

Engaging a lift consultant allows for an objective assessment of the performance of lift contractors. Since independent consultants work with various manufacturers, suppliers, and lift contractors, they possess valuable insights into the industry. This allows them to objectively evaluate the performance of your lift contractor in comparison to industry standards and real-world data from multiple providers. This assessment ensures that you receive the best service and value from your chosen lift contractor, enhancing the overall quality and efficiency of your lift projects.

Cost Savings and Peace of Mind:

Employing a lift consultant offers not only cost savings but also peace of mind. While some lift owners perceive the consultant's fees as an additional cost, the majority of clients actually make savings that outweigh these fees. The unbiased advice and expertise provided by consultants lead to cost-effective decision-making, whether it involves evaluating contractor quotations for repairs or tendering for major lift installation projects. Moreover, the peace of mind that consultants bring is invaluable.

By providing accurate information and expert guidance, consultants empower clients to make the right decisions when it comes to selecting maintenance, design, and equipment, ensuring long-term reliability and satisfaction.


While lift contractors play a vital role in lift projects, the benefits of engaging an independent lift consultant are substantial. Their independence, unbiased advice, technical expertise, and client-focused approach ensure that your lift projects are executed efficiently, meet the necessary standards, and provide long-term value for your business.

By leveraging the insights and guidance of a lift consultant, you can make informed decisions, achieve cost savings, and enjoy peace of mind throughout your lift projects. From unbiased advice on the best fit solutions to objective assessments of lift contractors, the expertise of a lift consultant is an invaluable asset in achieving successful lift projects.